Metita Beach & Dive Resort

A new diving paradise in Morotai - North Halmahera

We are the first European dive resort in the North Halmahera area, exclusively located on the small paradise island of Metita, at the southern tip of Morotai Island. Metita Beach & Dive Resort is an Eco Resort with high standards regarding environmental conservation above and under water. Organic food from our own kitchen garden will ensure your culinary delights and untouched reefs your exquisite diving experience – far from the beaten tracks.

Metita Beach Dive Resort - North Halmahera

The Resort

A unique experience on a lonely island

Restaurant & Lounge

Our exquisite cuisine will make your appetite rise

Restaurant & Lounge

Our exquisite cuisine will make your appetite rise

The Spa

Relax with exclusive treatments

Metita Island & Morotai

Our little paradise island and the big neighbour

The Spa

Relax with exclusive treatments

Metita Island & Morotai

Our little paradise island and the big neighbour

The Cottages

Available for you: Beach Double or Family Garden

Metita Beach & Dive Resort, Morotai - North Halmahera


A unique experience on a lonely island


Bored on the island? Discover Morotai Area!


Enjoy our colourful reefs also as non-diver


Bored on the island? Discover Morotai Area!


Enjoy our colourful reefs also as non-diver


We will offer several workshops and special events

Weather. Morotai


Empty line-ups abroad the beaten paths

Metita Beach & Dive Resort, Morotai - North Halmahera


When we started developing Metita Beach & Dive Resort we had one major goal in mind: to create a place that offers every guest an extraordinary and unique experience – no matter if diver, snorkeler, surfer or beach enthusiast. Every aspect should reflect our standard of quality, service and ecological approach. Metita Beach & Dive Resort is exclusively set on a small secluded island, surrounded by pristine sandy beaches and a vibrant coral reef – treasures which we feel obliged to preserve and to protect. A hidden paradise far away from many other crowded tourist destinations.

Morotai is still a grey area on many maps and lies off the beaten paths which makes it even more interesting but also vulnerable. Based on many negative examples as our encouragement we believe in sustainable tourism by avoiding plastic usage, educating locals in terms of nature conservation, building the resort with respect to the existing forest and supporting ecological fishing.

Ecological Ambition

We have built build Metita Beach & Dive Resort with as little impact on the nature as possible. This includes that we did not cut trees and only cleaned the undergrowth around the buildings. We have installed wastewater septic tanks and grease traps in the kitchen sinks to ensure that the water that goes in the ground is clean.

We will have a freshwater maker to produce our own drinking water so we don’t depend on transporting water gallons from Morotai Island. Additionally, our guests receive refillable drinking bottles to avoid the need of single use plastic bottles. To generally minimize the use of plastic we have reusable boxes for our grocery shopping so nothing has to be brought to Metita Island in plastic bags.

We will have a specially designed sea turtle hatchery to ensure that the population around Metita Island is growing again. Our guests will then always be invited to visit the small inhabitants and maybe even be lucky enough to release a turtle.
We already started helping initiatives for reef conservation and will organize coral plantations, beach clean-ups and socialisation programs for the local community to prepare the area for a prosperous and sustainable future.

Metita Beach & Dive Resort, Morotai - North Halmahera


Don’t believe our words? Let the pictures speak

Pattern - Metita Beach & Dive Resort

Phone: +62 (0) 813-3833-3914