Diving Morotai - North Halmahera

Diving in Morotai

The wonders of Morotai Islands lie directly under the ocean's surface

We not yet know how many dive sites we will discover, already now we know around 40. And you can help us explore more and give the divesite a name! As Morotai lies far abroad the beaten paths of Indonesia we see it as our chance to discover yet unknown divesites and as our responsibility to ensure that they are treated in a sustainable way. Isn’t it fantastic if you can be part of such a unique opportunity?

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Wreck Diving

WW2 left its numerous traces – ships, cars, aircrafts

Diving Morotai - North Halmahera
Dive Map - Morotai Dive Sites
Diving Morotai - North Halmahera
Diving Morotai - North Halmahera
Diving Morotai - North Halmahera

Morotai is the last island before the Pacific Ocean in the north and therefore counted as an important strategic bastion in WW2. On September 15th, 1944, Morotai Island, which was held by 500 Japanese soldiers, was run over by an American force of 60.000 men. From then on Morotai played a defining role for the Allies to invade the Philippian Islands. For their forces the Americans built an airport with seven landing strips and when the Allies left, they also left behind numerous cars, trucks, tanks, airplanes and ships which mostly were just pushed into the ocean or were sunk. They created a mecca for divers…. Good for us today!

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Shark Diving

Every Day – all year round – sharks at our House Reef

Sharks - Diving in Morotai, North Halmahera
Sharks - Diving in Morotai, North Halmahera
Dive Map - Morotai Dive Sites
Sharks - Diving in Morotai, North Halmahera
Dive Map - Morotai Dive Sites
Sharks - Diving in Morotai, North Halmahera

Nothing easier than diving with sharks. From Metita Beach & Dive Resort it is just a 2-minute boat ride to the outer edge of the reef where the sandy plateaus are slowly descending. There you take a break on 18m for a while and watch the sharks effortlessly gliding around you in the current. To end your dive, you will follow the reefs looking for makro and schools of sweetlips or mackerels.

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Night Diving

Discover strange creatures such as the Walking Shark

Night Diving - Morotai, North Halmahera
Night Diving - Morotai, North Halmahera
Night Diving - Morotai, North Halmahera
Night Diving - Morotai, North Halmahera
Night Diving - Morotai, North Halmahera

Not many years ago, in 2013, a new species of shark was discovered in Halmahera: the Walking Shark. The shark, Hemiscyllium halmahera, uses its fins to wiggle along the seabed and forage for small fish and crustaceans. The shark, which has wide horizontal stripes, grows to a maximum length of just 75cm and is harmless to humans. It is easily found during the night in shallow sandy or broken coral areas. Aside from this unique creature the other beautiful animals to be found in the dark should not be missed.

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Dive Sites

Where are the Mantas, the Sharks, the caves?

Dive Sites - Morotai, North Halmahera
Dive Sites - Morotai, North Halmahera
Dive Sites - Morotai, North Halmahera
Dive Sites - Morotai, North Halmahera
Dive Sites - Morotai, North Halmahera
Dive Sites - Morotai, North Halmahera

The area of dive sites we are covering reaches from the eastern coast of Pandanga -the south tip of Morotai Island- with its steep walls around Metita Island and then up north till Rau Island, including Dodola Island with its beautiful corals and GaloGalo with its mantas. On day trips you can discover the divesites on the mainland of Halmahera in the Tobelo Area where the underwater volcano and a lot of muck diving is located.

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Dive Courses

You want to start diving or level up?

Dive Courses - Morotai, North Halmahera
Dive Courses - Morotai, North Halmahera
Diving Morotai - North Halmahera
Dive Courses - Morotai, North Halmahera
Dive Courses - Morotai, North Halmahera

We will offer diving courses from Bubble Maker to Divemaster. As soon as we have more details, we will update the information here.

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A fully equipped Camera Room for you

Underwater Photography - Morotai, North Halmahera
Underwater Photography - Morotai, North Halmahera
Underwater Photography - Morotai, North Halmahera
We have prepared a fully equipped camera room in our Dive Center for you. It can be used individually but also for groups or the participants of workshops.
In the air-conditioned room there are seven camera stations ready for our photographers. In a separate station, you can find a diving cylinder with a nozzle attached, which can be used to dry the housing.
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Our Diving Rates

per Person
package 5 dives (only advance booking)225.- € (3.600.000 Rp)
package 10 dives (only advance booking)420.- € (6.720.000 Rp)
House reef dive400.000 Rp
surcharge private guide (per day, incl 3 dives)880.000 Rp
Nitrox (per tank)80.000 Rp
Full equipment (excl. computer, per day)400.000 Rp
ABC (per day)100.000 Rp
BCD (per day)120.000 Rp
Wetsuit (per day)120.000 Rp
Regulator (per day)120.000 Rp
Torch (per day)120.000 Rp
Dive Computer (per day)160.000 Rp
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E-Mail: hello@metitaresort.com
Phone: +62 (0) 813-3833-3914