Metita Island - Morotai, North Halmahera

Metita Island & Morotai

A tropical laid-back paradise with an exciting history

Morotai Island is located in the north of Halmahera Island, North Maluku Province and is the northernmost island in Indonesia. During World War II the island was a hive of military activities. For Morotai back then was the strategic base of the Allied Forces under General Douglas MacArthur, from which they attacked posts in the Philippines and Borneo in their fight against Japanese forces. After those exciting years Morotai island is now back to its routine as sleepy tropical paradise.

Even so, Morotai Island actually holds so many charms that can steal anyone’s hearts.

In the 16th century, because of the nutmeg, mace and cloves only found there, Morotai was the focus of colonial interest. Until today the islands are called Spice Islands of Indonesia and the scent of the flowers and nuts drying in the sun during harvest season is wonderfully breathtaking.

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Morotai Islands District covers 33 islands which include seven inhabited and 26 deserted or uninhabited islands. Geographically it is bordered by the Pacific Ocean in the North, Sulawesi Sea in the West, Halmahera Sea in the East, and the Morotai Strait in the South. The main Island is approximately 80 km long and 42 km wide (2.400 km2) with a particularly rugged interior. A number of mountains rise to more than 1.000 m above sea level, forcing all villages to be located around the coastline. Morotai Island lies 10 km off the coast of mainland Halmahera with the waters between the two Islands being up to 580m deep.

Morotai Islands District experiences a rainy and a dry season with rainy season occurring from November to March with stronger winds and therefore offering the best surfing conditions with peak season from December till January. Dry season offers the better diving conditions with calm waters and 99% sunny weather from March till November.

Metita Island & Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Island & Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Island & Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Island & Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Island & Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Island & Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Island & Morotai, North Halmahera
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Metita is one of the 26 previously uninhabited islands and lies 3 km from the southernmost tip of Morotai. Metita is a small, 900m long and 450m wide coral island surrounded by a fringing reef, which you can walk around in about 45 minutes. The reef plateau in front of our resort extends over 100m into the sea and thus offers excellent snorkeling opportunities. Diving on the house reef offers a drop-off right in front of our door or a population of blacktip reef sharks on a plateau a little further north.

The tropical forest surrounding our resort is original and home to numerous bird species and also a fertile breeding ground for our kitchen garden.

Metita Island Beach - Morotai, North Halmahera
Sharks - Diving in Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Island - Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Island - Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Island - Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Island - Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Island - Morotai, North Halmahera
Metita Resort - D Icon Divider


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